Cal State Communications: Electrifying New Additions to Our Service List

Cal State Communications: Electrifying New Additions to Our Service List

In an exciting development for Cal State Communications, one of the leading providers of communication solutions, we have recently obtained our electrician’s license. This new addition to our service list showcases our commitment to expanding our expertise and delivering comprehensive solutions to our clients. With our long-standing reputation for excellence in communication services, this expansion allows Cal State Communications to offer a more comprehensive range of services and cater to a wider array of client needs. Let’s delve deeper into the significance of this milestone and what it means for both Cal State Communications and our customers.

Enhancing Capabilities

Cal State Communications has always been at the forefront of providing top-notch communication services. From structured cabling and network design to audio-visual installations, we have consistently exceeded expectations in delivering innovative solutions. However, with the acquisition of our electrician’s license, we have taken our capabilities to new heights. By integrating electrical expertise into our service repertoire, we can now offer a holistic approach to communication infrastructure and technology implementation.

Expanded Service List

With the addition of electrical services, Cal State Communications offers a diverse range of solutions that encompass the entire spectrum of communication needs. Let’s explore some of the key services that are now part of our extensive portfolio:

  • Electrical Installations – Cal State Communications’ licensed electricians can handle all types of electrical installations, ensuring compliance with safety regulations and providing efficient solutions. Whether it’s wiring for new construction projects, lighting installations, or power distribution systems, our expertise guarantees reliable and secure electrical infrastructure.
  • Upgrades and Maintenance – Keeping up with technological advancements is crucial in the ever-evolving communication industry. Cal State Communications can now provide comprehensive electrical system upgrades and maintenance services, enabling clients to optimise our existing infrastructure for peak performance and efficiency.
  • Power Backup Solutions – Unforeseen power outages can be detrimental to any business. Cal State Communications can assist clients in selecting and installing reliable power backup systems, such as uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units and generators that ensure uninterrupted operations during critical moments.
  • Energy Efficiency – With a growing emphasis on sustainability, Cal State Communications can help clients implement energy-efficient solutions, including LED lighting upgrades, power management systems, and smart building technologies. By reducing energy consumption, clients can lower our environmental footprint and operational costs simultaneously.

Benefits for Clients

The inclusion of electrical services in Cal State Communications’ service list offers numerous advantages for our clients:


  • One-Stop Solution – Clients can now rely on a single service provider for all of their communication and electrical needs, streamlining project management, reducing coordination efforts, and ensuring seamless integration of different systems.
  • Expertise and Quality Assurance – Cal State Communications’ electricians are licensed professionals with in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience. Our expertise guarantees that all electrical installations and maintenance are performed to the highest standards, ensuring safety, compliance, and longevity.
  • Cost and Time Efficiency – By using Cal State Communications’ comprehensive services, clients can save valuable time and resources that would otherwise be spent coordinating multiple vendors or contractors. Furthermore, the company’s expertise allows them to identify cost-effective solutions tailored to each client’s specific requirements.



Cal State Communications’ acquisition of an electrician’s license marks an exciting milestone in our journey as a leading provider of communication solutions. By expanding our service list to include electrical services, we have enhanced our capabilities and positioned ourselves as a one-stop solution for all communication and electrical needs. With our proven track record of excellence, clients can confidently rely on Cal State Communications to deliver innovative, reliable, and efficient solutions. Whether it’s a new installation, system upgrade, or energy-efficient solution, Cal State Communications is well-equipped to meet and exceed client expectations in the dynamic world of communication technology. To find out more about how we can help you with our efficient, high-quality communications and network solutions, contact us today!
